30 June 2007

No morning nap please = 110 wet wipes

One hundred and ten pieces of wet wipes strewn all over her cot. That' how Apple communicated to me that she doesn't want her morning nap anymore.

It's a Saturday morning. The ritual is that Apple will take a morning nap, while Orange & I will spend some time together doing art or craft. But this morning, she protested: yelled and screamed. She does that some times so I left her alone. A few minutes later she stopped. I thought: Yes! It worked. Sometimes, toddlers need to release some energy before they sleep.

Not too long later, more shouting and screaming. This time, I decided to investigate. That's when I discovered her message. One hundred and ten pieces of the new box of wet wipes I placed on top of the chest of drawers next to her cot.

Yes, darling Apple. I got your message... No more morning naps for you.

14 June 2007

Phrase Generator

Here are some phrases that Orange Fruit has generated on her own accord:

  1. Poo Poo Meat - this is what she pointed to after she has a big one
  2. Uncle Paper - the man who walks around the corridor sounding the horn and shouting "newspaper" or something
  3. Auntie School Bus - No guesses where she often appears

And she expects the same creativity from me! I'm often asked "What's his name?", "What's her name?" when we're reading her books together. I try to "smoke" some names for kids (and hope I remember them the next time we read the same book). For adults, at least I can follow the pattern she set: Auntie Baker, Mr Lifeguard, ..., so much for my own creativity.